Services, Sermons, Special Occasions and Memories

from KMC on Audio

Some services are abridged due to copyright.

Apart from the sermons we will record special events from time to time
for you to listen to wherever you are.

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We pray that if you are listening at home
you will find them both inspiring and uplifting.




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Title Author Date Recorded File Size
A special Church Anniversary Morning Worship Rev John Hellyer 21st February 2016 20.65 MB
John is Chair of the South East District. The readings were taken from Isaiah 62: 1-5 and John 2:1-11.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Session 2. Methodist Missions Conference John Hibberd 11th October 2014 19.61 MB
Titled ' What does it have to do with me.' Session 2. AM
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Session 4. Methodist Missions Conference. John Hibberd 11th October 2014 9.21 MB
Titled 'What does it have to do with me'. Session 4. PM
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Session 3. Methodist Missions Conference. John Hibberd 11th October 2014 23.36 MB
Titled. 'What does it have to do with me'. Session 3 PM.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Our 75th Anniversary Morning Worship Sermon Rev Howard Mellor 7th November 2010 9.29 MB
This sermon was given at our morning worship of our 75th anniversary in 2010. The readfings were taken from Haggai 2:1- 9 and Luke 20: 27-38. We were priviledged to have Howard with us for this special occasion.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Circuit Farewell Service Farewell Service at Knaphill 19th July 2010 15.54 MB
Rev David Hinchliffe and Rev Nick Oborski
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Farewell Evening Worship Rev Chris Gardner 19th July 1986 19.24 MB
This is the final service of Chris Gardner at Knaphill on 19th July 1988. I hope that this special recording will bring back some happy memories and if you are listening for the first time, will help you in your journey of faith.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Jubilee Morning Worship Rev Colin Rowe 23rd February 1986 18.11 MB
This was the third of four services to celebrate our 50th anniversary and was taken by the Methodist Chairman. We welcomed old friends who came back to us to celebrate this service. The readings were taken from Luke 4: 16-30 and 2 Corinthians 5: 14 to 6: 2.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Jubilee Evening Worship Rev Colin Rowe 23rd February 1986 17.92 MB
This was the last of four services celebrating our 50th anniversary. The service was led by the Chairman of the District. The readings were taken from Revelations and Matthew 21: 10-17.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Jubilee Morning Worship Rev Chris Gardner 16th February 1986 17.89 MB
This was the first of four services, celebrating our 50th anniversary in our church building. It was also a parade service attended by the Mayor of Woking. The readings were taken from Ephesians 3: 14-19 and John 4: 7-14.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Jubilee Evening Worship Rev Frank Himsworth 16th February 1986 16.96 MB
This was the second of four services celebrating our 50th anniversary. The preacher was our superintendant minister. The readings were taken from 2 Chronicles 7: 11-22 and John 10: 22-30. We were joined by other the local churches in Knaphill.
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